Cuomo refuses accountability in nursing home scandal, says vulnerable people were going to die anyway
Blood Brothers: Barack Obama, Lindsey Graham, and John McCain
Robert Kennedy Exposes Big Pharma and Fauci
WUHAN CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC BIOENGINEERED: Who’s behind it, why now and why China?
OUT OF SHADOWS (Full Must Watch Documentary)
Lindsey's Obamaphobia

It may be true that the wheels of justice move slowly. But right now they are moving in the right direction
Tables turned on Mueller prosecutors: Ten actions ripe for scrutiny
David V. Goliath: 11 y/o on a Mission to Educate About 5G Harms & Protect his Mom
Siri vs Alexa
Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, May 16, 2020, #249 ( Dane Wigington )

Dr. Scott Atlas explains to Jesse Waters the Five Key Facts about Coronavirus that will lift the Lockdowns that brain dead governors continue to ignore and that YOU need to know!
2020-05-16 Source: We the People Convention
Additional Information:

Stay-at-Home Orders and Business Closings are ILLEGAL

Stay-at-Home Orders INCREASE your chance of Hospitalization

Wearing Face Masks poses SERIOUS RISKS to the HEALTHY

No Peer Reviewed Studies show "Social Distancing" Works!

Over 1.4 MILLION people will die from Tuberculosis because of Covid Lockdowns

Worldwide Lockdowns may be the Greatest Mistake in History

Positions of Federal and State Governments on Opening Up Business are NOW INDEFENSIBLE

There is NO EVIDENCE that Lockdowns and Business Shutdowns SAVED ANY LIVES!

Civil Liberties can NOT be taken away by Governors

How many Lives are we "saving" and at What Cost and Who Pays that Cost?
Pinned Tweet
Donald J. Trump
·MAY 18,2020 20h

This is the letter sent to Dr. Tedros of the World Health Organization. It is self-explanatory!
May 28
Will Blue Cities Make Sure America Stays Shut Down?
Questions for Biden…

Should Joe Biden become our USA president?  Read and verify these truths.

You did not hear any of these questions from Chris Wallace at the debate, but they deserve an answer nonetheless.

Wallace is no fan of the President, in fact quite the opposite.  As Dick Morris said, Trumps real opponent last Tuesday wasn't Biden, it was Wallace

Maybe….Wallace will follow in Rather's foot prints !!!!???

Read...and forward the below.....the  Bidens are in a race w/ the Clintons to see who goes down in history as the most corrupt ever. 

Remember what President Harry Truman said....."Anyone who gets rich in politics is a crook"

Do not wait for anyone in the media to ask a single one of these questions.  Yet, these are so basic you have to ask yourself what the hell is going on.

Questions for Joe Biden:
Please copy and paste to browser

1. Why did members of your family keep getting lucrative business opportunities overseas while you were vice president?


2. How did your brother, Frank, secure $45,000,000 in taxpayer loans from the Obama administration for his Caribbean projects?


3. How did a newly-minted firm employing your other brother, James, receive a $1.5 billion contract to build homes in Iraq despite having no experience in construction or international development?


4. Why did your son Hunter accompany you on your official trip to Beijing in December 2013?


What did he do on that trip? Who did he meet with? What should the American public make of the fact that just 10 days after this trip, your son's boutique private

equity firm secured a $1 billion investment deal from the state-owned bank of China (later expanded to $1.5 billion) despite having no prior experience in China, and with this deal, the Chinese government granted your son's firm a first-of-its-kind arrangement

to operate in the the recently formed Shanghai Free-Trade Zone—a perk not granted to any of the large established financial institutions?


5. Should the American public be concerned that your son's private equity firm partnered with a Chinese government-owned aerospace and defense conglomerate tofacilitate the purchase of an American company that produced strategically sensitive dual-use military technology that the Chinese government wanted?


6. Does your "Build Back Better" proposal contain any provisions to ensure that American taxpayer-funded technology is not bought off by Chinese state-backed enterprises working with private equity firms like your son's?

7. Back in 2000, you voted in favor of giving permanent Normal Trade Relations (NTR) to China. At the time, you said that this would not lead to "the collapse

of the American manufacturing economy" because China is "about the size of the Netherlands" and could not possibly become "our major economic competitor." Furthermore, you predicted that free trade with China would establish "a path toward ever greater political

and economic freedom" for the people of China. Do you still stand by these statements today after 3.4 million American jobs have been lost to China and millions of China's citizens imprisoned, surveilled, disappeared, and used as slave labor, by an increasingly
authoritarian regime enriched by 20 years of record trade imbalances from flagrant trade violations?





have been <>,






8. The People's Republic of China has a bold plan called "Made in China 2025" to dominate the key technologies of the future in order to overtake the United States militarily and economically.  Do you still contend that China is "not competition for us"?



9. Why did you promote the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) to financial special interest groups when research was clear that the deal would make it easier for corporations to move U.S. jobs overseas?





10. Do you believe Xi Jinping kept his promise to Barack Obama to end cyber-espionage against the United States? If not, what are you prepared to do about it?


11. Do you accept that the coronavirus originated in China? Do you think China was honest with the world in its handling of the coronavirus? Are you satisfied with China's explanations for how it spread? Do you believe their claims about the number of cases and fatalities in China?




12. Do you think China should be held responsible in any way for its handling of the coronavirus? If not, why not? What, if any, repercussions should there be for China in its handling of the coronavirus?


13. Did you suggest investigating Michael Flynn under the Logan Act, as Peter Strzok's notes suggest?


14. You said in your DNC acceptance speech that America is ready to "do the hard work of rooting out our systemic racism." What did you do in your 36 years as a U.S. senator and 8 years as vice president to root out systemic racism? Why didn't it work?


15. You have called  for "revolutionary institutional changes." What does that mean in practice?


16. You have vowed to rescind the Trump tax cuts. Can you think of a single example of a country that recovered from a recession by raising taxes?

under edit

Dhimmi Joe Biden said, “Inshallah”, an Islamic greeting, at the presidential debate.  What is a dhimmi and who are the dhimmi-crats?
While I believe the doctors are doing what they think is best, Trump himself must know that Hydrochloroquine has been outstandingly successful particularly at the beginning of this virus. 
Having said that, there is nothing I would put past the left operatives as we have witnessed with the leftist anarchists destruction of our cities and burning of our forests.
To Dr. Scott Atlas: Walter Reed Doctors Are Endangering Trump’s Life
Rush Limbaugh had one complaint about the debate that will make your blood boil
See who is at FOX now!!!